Climate change | Sunday Observer

Climate change

30 April, 2017

The Earth is the only planet in the Solar System that can support life as it is not too far or too close to the Sun. The Earth’s atmosphere is made up of ultra violet radiation which makes the temperature on Earth not too high or low. Its atmosphere is made up of water vapour, Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen, Oxygen and Argon.

But the temperature on Earth is increasing due to effects of Green House gases such as Carbon Dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels or deforestation which traps heat or escapes from Earth. Due to this climate change, the ice in the Arctic Sea is melting and the sea level is rising, glaciers are disappearing and ice shelves are collapsing. This climate change is called Global Warming which could make the Earth ice free in a few years.

How do we stop this?

Reduce the use of cars and vans that use fossil fuels which pollute the air and instead plant more trees that absorb Carbon Dioxide from the atmosphere and produce Oxygen which we need to breathe.


Rathusha Nimalan,

Grade 6-I,

Colombo International



