Doctors remove glass cup stuck in patient | Sunday Observer

Doctors remove glass cup stuck in patient

17 September, 2017

SEP 10: 

Surgeons in Guangzhou recently removed a glass cup from a married man’s anus, and he isn’t saying how it got there.

However, it was apparently up in there for two full days before the pain became too unbearable and the man rushed into the hospital at 2 a.m. screaming for doctors to help him.

Quickly, doctors took an X-ray and discovered that he had a cup stuck up his back. More specifically, that cup was made of glass, 8 centimeters tall, 7 centimeters in diameter, resting in the upper part of his rectum, and could lead to his death if not removed quickly and carefully.

According to a local news report, doctors at first tried to take out the object the same way that it came in. Using drugs to relax the man’s anus, they were able to reach the cup, but found it too slippery to pull out.

Worried that the glass cup might shatter if they tried to force it out, doctors instead decided to cut the man open to retrieve the cup from his abdomen.

Afterward, the man spent some time in the hospital recovering from the surgery, but has since returned home.

He never did tell doctors how the cup got up there in the first place. Reportedly, he is a married man in his thirties with children.

Earlier this year, another man from Guangzhou also required medical attention after sticking a live eel up his back, hoping to cure his constipation - A folk remedy that nearly killed him when the eel started burrowing through his intestines.


