Pet friendly houseplants | Sunday Observer

Pet friendly houseplants

16 June, 2019
Christmas cactus
Christmas cactus

If you have pets and you’re planning to grow plants, you want to make sure that you’re growing pet friendly houseplants. A playful dog or a curious cat may take a nibble of your houseplant, even if it is out of reach. You might think it’s not a problem, but think again: Some plants can cause tremors, seizures, and stomach aches for your beloved pets. There are plants that can be harmless to humans but are toxic to pets when ingested.

When pets are a part of your family, keeping them safe should be your number one priority. You can add texture and colour to your home while still keeping your cats and dogs safe by adding these nontoxic pet-friendly plants to your home.

Spider Plant

When it comes to growing indoor plants, one of the easiest ones to take care of, even for beginners, are spider plants.

Spider plants are a non-toxic houseplant that can purify the air in your home. Not only are spider plants easy to take care of, they’re also easy to grow even in low light conditions.

Staghorn Fern

Known as an air plant, the Staghorn Fern grows best when you mount them on a board. Hanging this plant on a wall purifies the air and provides moisture.

Calathea Rattlesnake

The colors of the Calathea Rattlesnake, also known as the Prayer Plant, make it a great addition to any room. It can grow even in low light conditions.

The Calathea Rattlesnake requires weekly watering only. The purple undersides of the leaves can add warmth to any area.

Tradescantia Zebrina

The eye-catching hue and the soft curling leaves of the Tradescantia Zebrina can add a pop of color to any minimal decor.

The Tradescantia Zebrina thrives in a high hanging basket. It does not require any special care other than bright, indirect light.

African Violet

Do you want a pet-safe indoor plant that blooms? Try adding an African violet to your home.

This houseplant comes in a range of purple hues. It’s low maintenance and can grow even without any bright light.

Christmas cactus

Do you want to place festive plants around your home? Some festive plants can be toxic to your pets but not a Christmas cactus.

The Christmas cactus requires little care. It can easily adapt to low light constraints. You can cut and replant them and place them in every room.

You can keep plants and pets in your home together. Add a pop of color to any room without sacrificing the security of your pets with these pet-friendly plants.

Air Plants

The good news is that Air Plants are safe for our furry friends. So if one of your fur babies happen to take a nip there will be no horrifying reaction. On the other hand… that nip can be harmful to the plants. So the moral of the story is to keep plants out of reach.

Bamboo Palm

You can bring a wonderful tropical look into your home with a Bamboo Palm as long as you give it a sun filled home.

If you choose another Palm Tree… check it out because some Palms are harmful to pets.

Swedish Ivy

There are many ivy’s that are toxic to pets but not the Swedish Ivy. You can safely grow this lovely plant with no fear.

Swedish Ivy looks totally amazing in hanging planters!

It is so very important to be very careful when you are picking out the plants for your home. You always want to keep your fur babies out of danger! These plants above are really great choices and they are also fabulous plants.
