Rippon celebrates its 150th anniversary | Sunday Observer

Rippon celebrates its 150th anniversary

21 February, 2021

Rippon Girls’ College which was established in 1871 by Rev. Father Joseph Rippon celebrates its 150th anniversary this year. The first Principal was Mrs. Ellan Eastwood and there were many Principals who rendered great service to my school. The school was established as an English medium boarding school. It was known as the 'Richmond Hill’s Boarding School'. It was started with eight students in a single building.

Today, there are about 2,500 students and 115 teachers in my school. The present principal is Mrs. M.S.R. Irangani. Rippon Girls’ College has many facilities. There is a library which is peaceful and an aesthetic unit where students can develop their aesthetic studies. There is a computer lab and a science lab too with latest equipment.

The teachers always try to develop the students’ discipline, coo-peration and confidence. For that there are games like Volleyball, Netball and also Aesthetic activities.

The students have already won many competitions from these games and they have brought honour to the school. In the Galle district, Rippon Girls’ College is one of the leading schools. It is a home that moulds great personalities. I wish that my school will produce more great personalities who can serve the nation.


A.G.Vihanga Hansani Sadewmini

Grade 10E

Rippon Girls’ College, Galle.
