Quiz on synonyms and antonyms | Sunday Observer

Quiz on synonyms and antonyms

12 June, 2022

A synonym is a word that means something similar to another word. An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word. Underline the ANTONYMS and check your answers with the key. You may use a standard dictionary.

1. Prudish (adj.): lax / overmodest
2. Psychological (adj.): cognitive / physical
3. Puberty (n.): immaturity / maturity
4. Public (adj.): common / personal
5. Publicity (n.): secrecy / promotion
6. Public-spirited (adj.): charitable / selfish
7. Puerile (adj.): mature / babyish
8. Puffy (adj.): bloated / flat
9. Pugnacious (adj.): easy-going / aggressive
10. Pull (v.): draw / push
11. Pull apart (phrasal v.): join / separate
12. Pull down (phrasal v.): demolish / build
13. Pull in (phrasal v.): pull away / arrive
14. Pull off (phrasal v.): accomplish / fail
15. Pull out (phrasal v.): join / depart
16. Pull through (phrasal v.): rally / fail
17. Pull together (phrasal v.): fight / collaborate
18. Punch-drunk (adj.): dazed / steady
19. Punctilious (adj.): informal / careful
20. Punctual (adj.): early / late
21. Pungent (adj.): delicate / biting
22. Punish (v.): chastise / reward
23. Punishment (n.): reward / abuse
24. Puny (adj.): minor / important
25. Pupil (n.): teacher / disciple
26. Purchase (v.): buy / sell
27. Purchaser (n.): seller / buyer
28. Pure (adj.): genuine / impure
29. Pure-bred (adj.): cross-bred / thoroughbred
30. Puritan (n.): moralist / hedonist

1. lax
2. physical
3. immaturity
4. personal
5. secrecy
6. selfish
7. mature
8. flat
9. easy-going
10. push
11. join
12. build
13. pull away
14. fail
15. join
16. fail
17. fight
18. steady
19. informal
20. late
21. delicate
22. reward
23. reward
24. important
25. teacher
26. sell
27. seller
28. impure
29. cross-bred
30. hedonist
10 – 15 Correct:
16 – 20 Correct:
21 – 30 Correct: Exceptional

