A Road Travelled Far | Sunday Observer

A Road Travelled Far

14 May, 2021

“A ROAD TRAVELLED FAR” is the autobiography of Lucian Appuhamy, aged 78, who resides in Brisbane. It narrates the story of a boy who was born in a rural village in Sri Lanka, became a civil engineer and travelled the world, working on engineering projects in developed and developing countries. It contains anecdotes and memories of his experiences at university and work as he navigated through politics, culture and work.

It is a story that speaks of the history of Sri Lanka especially in the field of engineering and also the frustration among the Government Service due to the upper hand of the politicians in administrative work . Lucian was one that never wanted to bow his head to the politicians. The book that unfolds his work life, from 5th Chapter to 12th Chapter and his overseas work in Nigeria, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Laos and Australia are interestingly discussed. The opening four chapters discuss the family with parents, The college and University education. I read with interest the Peradeniya University atmosphere prevalent at that time and how the ragging was done and how clashes with the Army took place.

The hundred and twenty five pages book is interesting and readable with an excellent flow. Had there been some mention of other aspects of his life it would have made a complete autobiography. It is the life of a contented person you read in “A ROAD TRAVELLED FAR’…
