Quiz on synonyms and antonyms | Sunday Observer

Quiz on synonyms and antonyms

26 June, 2022

A synonym is a word that means something similar to another word. An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word. Underline the SYNONYMS and check your answers with the key. You may use a standard dictionary.

1. Ramshackle (adj.): crumbling / stable
2. Rancid (adj.): sweet / putrid
3. Random (adj.): arbitrary / deliberate
4. Rapid (adj.): slow / brisk
5. Rapidity (n.): briskness / slowness
6. Rare (adj.): common / sparse
7. Rarely (adv.): frequently / hardly
8. Rarity (n.): curiosity / commonplace
9. Rash (adj.): cautious / careless
10. Ratify (v.): approve / reject
11. Rational (adj.): crazy / balanced
12. Ratty (adj.): angry / calm
13. Raw (adj.): cooked / fresh
14. Reactionary (adj.): revolutionary / progressive
15. Readable (adj.): unreadable / clear
16. Readily (adv.): unwillingly / eagerly
17. Ready (adj.): organised / unprepared
18. Real (adj.): false / actual
19. Realistic (adj.): authentic / fanciful
20. Rear (n.): back / front
21. Reasonable (adj.): crazy / logical
22. Rebellious (adj.): insurgent / submissive
23. Rebuke (v.): approve / blame
24. Recede (v.): abate / advance
25. Receive (v.): give / accept
26. Receiver (n.): recipient / donor
27. Recent (adj.): old / current
28. Receptive (adj.): amenable // unresponsive
29. Recession (n.): boom / decline
30. Recipient (n.): donor / receiver

1. crumbling
2. putrid
3. arbitrary
4. brisk
5. briskness
6. sparse
7. hardly
8. curiosity
9. careless
10. approve
11. balanced
12. angry
13. fresh
14. revolutionary
15. clear
16. eagerly
17. organised
18. actual
19. authentic
20. back
21. logical
22. insurgent
23. blame
24. abate
25. accept
26. recipient
27. current
28. amenable
29. decline
30. receiver

10 – 15 Correct: Good
16 – 20 Correct: Excellent
21 – 30 Correct: Exceptional

