Records tumble at CSE | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

Records tumble at CSE

24 May, 2020

The consolidated turnover for the second week of trading at the Colombo Stock Exchange since the market reopened on May 11, 2020, was Rs. 8.04 billion, despite the limited trading hours.

Both indexes continued to gain this week setting and resetting the all-time high percentage jump for the S&P SL20. On Monday, May 18 the S&P gained 5.25% which was bettered on Thursday when the S&P gained 6.28%. Both indexes have reached pre-market close levels.

The ASPI ended the week on 4799.89 while the S&P SL20 index ended on 2034.3 The overall market capitalization gained Rs. 109 Billion over the past two weeks.

Overall an increase in volumes in terms of Turnover was noted at the CSE recording a daily average turnover of Rs. 1.8 billion over the past 10 days of trading.
