Nissan Cars for Sale
Nissan AD Wagon year 1985 for sale due to urgent requirement 6 lakhs Pannipitiya Road, Battaramulla. 071-0554525. 025957
Budget Vehicle for Sale
Sports racing 12 – 1400 cc Lancer 825,000/= 16-850cc auto course 850,000/= 14-1000cc Charade 675,000/= Nugegoda. 0722841786, 0718262853.
Vehicles Wanted
All models and makes of cars, vans, jeeps, cabs are required immediately to be mobilized in Govt and private sector use. Lump sum payments and number of concessionary packages. Govt registration number – WC 18880 Panniptiya – Kandy Matara. 011-2846026.
A Suv or high end car is required for a General Manager in a leading business conglomerate latest Vesel, Premier, Audi, Outlander, Hilux X trail, etc. 0713616281.