Prepositions Part 19
A preposition is a word placed before a noun or a pronoun to show in what relation the person or thing denoted by it stands in regard to something else. There are over 100 prepositions in English. This is a very small number compared with the vast number of nouns, adjectives and verbs found in English. Here are some of the prepositions used in English
Burning with
To feel a particular emotion very strongly.
Grace was burning with curiosity when she opened the box.
Burst into
To move somewhere suddenly or quickly, especially into or out of a place.
In a few minutes two robbers burst into the room.
Bursting with
To have a lot of something or be filled with something.
Joe was bursting with ideas and good humour.
Bury in
To bury someone who has died in a grave.
The old man was buried in the churchyard.
Busy with
If you are busy, you are working hard and have a lot of things to do.
Max was busy with a client at the moment.
Butt of
To be the person or thing that other people often make jokes about.
Peter quickly became the butt of everyone’s jokes.
Buy from
To get something by paying money for it.
It is cheaper to buy goods direct from the manufacturer.
Buzz with
If a group of people or a place is buzzing, there is a lot of activity or excitement.
I entered a classroom where the students were buzzing with activity.
By-product of
Something additional that is produced during a natural or industrial process.
Kerosene is a by-product of oil refining.
Cadge off
To ask someone you know for something such as food, money, or cigarettes because you do not want to pay.
The soldiers cadged a few cigarettes off us.
Caked with
To be covered with a layer of something soft or wet that becomes thick and hard when it dries.
Our boots were caked with mud.
Call out
To read names or numbers in a loud voice in order to get someone’s attention.
When I call out your names, go and stand in line.
Call round
To stop at a house or other place for a short time to see someone or do something.
Martha called round for a chat with my grandmother.
Campaign for / against
To lead or take part in a series of actions intended to achieve a particular social or political result.
We met a group of people campaigning against the destruction of the rain forests.
They were campaigning for the preservation of forest reserves.
Capable of
Having the qualities or ability needed to do something.
The company is capable of printing the posters before the elections.
Capitalise on
To use a situation or something good that you have in order to get an advantage for yourself.
Sri Lanka has capitalised on its natural beauty.
Care about
To think that something is important, so that you are interested in it, or worried about it.
The only thing she cares about is money.
Care for
To look after someone who is not able to look after themselves.
Emma thanked the nurse who had cared for her father.
Cash in
To make a profit from a situation in a way that other people think is wrong or unfair.
The television channel was trying to cash in on her fame.
Catch on
To become popular and fashionable.
The idea of glasses being a fashion item has been slow to catch on.
Categorise as
To put people or things into groups according to the type of person or thing they are.
George does not like to be categorised as a socialist.
Cater for
To provide and serve food and drink at a party or meeting.
We have catered for functions for many years.
Cater to
To provide a particular group of people with the things they need.
Most perfume ads cater to male fantasies.
Cause of
A person, event or thing that makes something happen.
Breast cancer is the leading cause of death for American women.