Walking through the DNA double helix | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

Walking through the DNA double helix

7 November, 2021

At first glance, everything is twisted and curled up
Can’t imagine where to get access to the twisted ladder
Nitrogen bases and hydrogen bonds blocked my journey
Was cheered …

The sugar-phosphate spine holds the nitrogen base tightly
Adenine and thiamine..
Guanine and cytosine..
Complementary hindered the travel..

Escaping from the entanglements around histones is uphill
On the way forward, several genes were met
They were busy making recipes for protein synthesis
Some were asleep…

Others were surrounded by methyl and phosphate groups so that they could not be seen properly
Some of them were partying with transcription factors and laughed arrogantly
Some were replicating with DNA polymerase and looked tired…
I sat next to a phosphodiester bond and took a short break until the Okazaki segment were fixed.
After a successful tour I stepped into a group of phosphate group and came out from the twisted ladder….
