Poem: Friendship | Page 3 | Sunday Observer

Poem: Friendship

5 March, 2017

Association and company with the wise
is a key point that Buddha emphasized
He says that the blessing highest
comes from avoiding fools with delight.

Selection of friends has a decisive impact
upon one’s personal destiny and contact
Good friendship means association
with people full of love and compassion.
He is one who shares one’s interests
offering guidance and instructions.
Provides companionship in treading the way
Leaving no room for undesirable prey
A truly wise friends mighty task
it to be true removing bad mask
With understanding and sympathy of heart
should be ready to play his noble part
He could be a friend true and wise
to turn to, for guidance and advice
Along the path of Dhamma the voice
hinges on making the right choice
To identify good and bad friends advice right
Buddha offers in the shorter discourse of ‘Full Moon Night’

- Rupa Banduwardena


Paradise of Hantana intellectuals

Glorious path of wisdom
Paved the way for thousands of alumni
Stood on the bank of Mahaweli
almighty our alma mater
Beauty of interested environment
Allured by all
Clink of high cloaks
Clamorous rumpus in the campus
Administrated by the chronometer
Quivering hand of the ‘Lion’ on the theatre
Passionate act of ‘Prince Maname’
Unforgettable rapture gained
At Peradeniya
Remembrances alarm
It marks seventy five years
With struggle for survival.

- Kalabhushana Wijeratne Dahigamuwa JP
(The University of Ceylon, Peradeniya marks 75 years 
This poem refers to its past with pride.)

Uplands An Archetype

Model shrubbery hill inclined
Changing nature weather bind
Exemplary mountain rising high
Where life thrives never die
Thick vegetation tall trees
Beautiful flowers hives of bees
Fragrant blooms senses seek
Life here strong never weak
Sun absorb many a drop
Yet the water nourish the crop
Vivid colours flowers make
Nature’s bounty for human sake
Clear white streams always flow
Emanating a sparkling glow
May flowers cover around
Where precious herbs are found
Exemplary abode life survives
In many a mind Uplands thrives

- Miran Perera, Kandy
