New subatomic particle discovered | Page 3 | Sunday Observer

New subatomic particle discovered

9 July, 2017

Scientists have hailed the opening of a “new frontier” for physics after proving the existence of a new kind of subatomic particle. They hope the particle, produced by smashing together and breaking apart atoms using the Large Hadron Collider, will help them to learn more about the forces that bind things together.

Known as Xi-cc++, the particle provides one of the key missing pieces in the jigsaw of the Standard Model of particle physics theory, the body of science that has been built up over the past century that explains how things work at the smallest end of the universe. Describing the different types of particles and how they interact with each other, the Standard Model is regarded as the best “description of reality” that there is - and it just got better.

Although the Standard Model theory had already predicted the Xi-cc++ particle existed, it is only now that its existence has been proved. The scientists behind the project were suitably awed by their findings. “I was on a team that discovered a new particle. I find that exciting.

That doesn’t happen to many people – we’ve been extremely lucky,” Glagsow University’s professor of experimental particle physics Paul Soler told I magazine. The new particle is part of a family of elements known as baryons, which form the nuclei of atoms and make up nearly all the matter that we see around us. Baryons are subatomic particles made up of three quarks, with the protons and neutrons being the most common type.Quarks, meanwhile, are even smaller particles and they come in six types - two common types that are light and four heavier types.

The high-speed collisions at the world’s biggest atom smasher on the French-Swiss border earlier this year created the particle for a fraction of a second, before the pieces were pulled back together again by the extreme forces at work between particles on this tiny scale. Normally, baryons have one heavy quark or less. But the particle created in that brief but significant moment, had two heavy quarks - both of a type that are called “charm” - and a light one. “This is the first time that a baryon has been conclusively observed containing two heavy charm quarks and is a new frontier in understanding the strong force that binds quarks together,” said Prof Soler. The team has submitted a paper to the journal Physical Review Letters. The Large Hadron Collider, located in a 16.8-mile tunnel beneath the Swiss-French border, was instrumental in the discovery of the Higgs boson.

In 2012, Dr Elina Berglund a team working at the Large Hadron Collider discovered the Higgs Boson – a particle that had been evading physicists since the 1960s when it was first theorised by Dr Peter Higgs. The Higgs Boson provided a key part of the puzzle of the so Standard Model of particle physics. Also known as the God Particle, it was deemed necessary to give mass to other particles - without it, scientists claim, mass would fundamentally not exist. The Electron was discovered by J.J.Thomson in 1897. It is a constituent of all the matter we are surrounded by. All atoms are made of a nucleus and electrons. JJ received the Nobel Prize in 1906 for the discovery of the electron, the first elementary particle. Neutron: Convinced they must exist since 1920, James Chadwick finally found evidence of the neutron in 1932. His discovery won him the 1935 Nobel Prize in Physics, and helped the world utilise nuclear energy.

This subatomic particle is about the same mass as a proton but without an electric charge, present in all atomic nuclei except those of ordinary hydrogen.

- I magazine
