Movies to watch | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

Movies to watch

10 December, 2017

Being a teenager is hard, which is why there are tons of amazing teen movies documenting the experience. These are the ones you definitely can’t turn 20 without having watched!

 MEAN GIRLS (2004) 

“You GO Glen Coco!” “Stop trying to make *fetch* happen. It’s not going to happen!” “On Wednesdays we wear pink!” “You can’t sit with us!”

If you ranked teen movies by how many iconic lines of dialogue will live on forever, Mean Girls would definitely lead the pack. So many classics!


This flick may be based on the Shakespearean play The Taming of the Shrew, but you definitely won’t feel like you’re sitting in sophomore English class while watching it. You have to watch this classic if only to see the late Heath Ledger singing You’re Just to Good to Be True accompanied by an entire marching band. Classic.


What do you get when you put a brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess, and a criminal in Saturday detention together? A timeless teen movie that proves we all have a lot more in common than we realize.

 EASY A (2010) 

If you’re looking for some way to make your required reading of The Scarlett Letter more bearable, watch this teen movie starring Emma Stone. You won’t regret it.
