Books college students should read before graduating | Sunday Observer

Books college students should read before graduating

21 October, 2018

College is a beast unique to itself.

It holds much of the trappings of grade school while adding the stress of the ever-present knowledge that what you’re doing now will directly affect the rest of your professional life.

Each New Year brings the promise of stress, anxiety, victory, drama, discovery and even heartbreak, all of which swirl together to create a torrent of emotion and friction.

Books have taught me some of the greatest lessons of my life and the right book at the right time can be just what you need to get through a particular challenge.

Below, I’ve organised a custom list of books to offer the perfect mix of college-relevant wisdom and lessons. Whether you’re a college freshman or are in your final year, the books below can help make the year ahead your best yet.

There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.

– Walt Disney
