New Year’s resolutions you can actually keep | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

New Year’s resolutions you can actually keep

3 January, 2021

Start small by replacing 1-2 drinks a day with water. Maybe you replace your second cup of coffee with a glass or two of water. Next, buy a container that is funny and exciting, that you look forward to drinking from

It has indeed been a hard year for all of us, and might be tempted to throw the baby with the bathwater when it comes to New Year’s Resolutions this year.

But one way you can celebrate the passing of the dumpster fire that’s been this last year and celebrate what is to come, is to write out a few new goals for this year.

You may have already been overwhelmed with resolution lists with all the complicated cleanses, intense workout plans, and sincere intentions to do your best and go for new healthy habits. These tend to make you feel overwhelmed, and by January 20, you’re ready to get back to the same old things. But change doesn’t have to come all at once.

Here are a simple list of resolutions that aren’t rocket science, but can work within your busy lifestyle, create more freedom, stimulate creativity, and ultimately cultivate connection with those you love and the community around you.

1. Write snail mail

Last year has shown us that we wish to stay in touch, and sure, you could send a text or an email, but why not step it up a notch and send something to brighten someone’s mailbox! Think about the times you’ve received cards or letters in the past and how much it made your day.

Start this goal simply by sending a few letters over a couple of months. Or find a penpal. If you enjoy sending letters and postcards to people, think beyond family and friends, and rather than compliment your favourite company, author, magazine, actor, or local hero for the work they are doing, write a quick note to share your appreciation.

2. Drink more water

A lot of us don’t drink the amount of water we need each day. And yet here we are, another year, and another year of wanting to drink more water, but not really knowing where to start.

Start small by replacing 1-2 drinks a day with water. Maybe you replace your second cup of coffee with a glass or two of water. Next, rather than get an insanely large water bottle to hold all of your daily water, buy a container that is funny and exciting, that you look forward to drinking from. Level up your resolution by trying some healthy add-ins like fresh lemon or lime, fruit, or cucumber.

3. Try something new each month

Who says your resolution has to stick to only one thing. As they say, “Variety is the spice of life.” Well, spice up your new year by setting a goal to try something new each month. If you are a foodie, it could be a new restaurant, recipe, or ingredient. If you tend to get stuck in a rut, maybe changing up your route to work or changing your hairstyle could be one of the new things you coul try. Again, start small, and work up to signing up for that pottery class or Barre class. Get creative and don’t forget to get your friends and family involved.

4. Walk a mile a day

The thing about this New Year’s resolution is that you might already be doing it. This doesn’t mean go out for a specific walk or run a mile or more each day, while that could be what you want to aim to work towards. But to start, find a good pedometer, or a pedometer app for your phone, and see if you can cumulatively walk a mile a day.
