Tips for young scientists | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

Tips for young scientists

10 October, 2021

* These days, due to increasing competition and uncertain career prospects in the field of life science, young scientists can easily forget why they first took to science. It is obvious that they are under a lot of pressure due to the increase in career prospects. It is actually inevitable.

* Excessive professional anxiety can put young scientists at risk of losing their enjoyment in sciences and their chances of success. Some fields are more competitive than others, but in the field of science you can hang on and learn how to move forward.

* The most important thing to develop your scientific curiosity is to take pride in doing things well and honestly, and nurture realistic aspirations.

* When deciding where to do your PhD or postdoctoral work, do not make your decision solely on which laboratory is financially rich or generally published in high quality journals. Choose a place where someone feels motivated.

* It is also important to choose a good supervisor who will not treat you as “cheap labor” working on a good research project.

Choosing a good research project is also equally important. Importantly, you must respect your supervisors. It is a must for any student.

* It is difficult to know in advance whether a project will be good or successful. However, the project you choose is important and you can be assured that it will be completed in a reasonable time.

* Use the first year of your career to learn as many techniques and skills as you can. They will help you solve many problems in the future. They will help you to troubleshoot problems you face when you conduct research. Also be sure to learn the basic concepts in the relevant subjects, but always with a critical mind and do not try to know all of them.

* It is important to focus on other ways of learning, thinking and doing things by communicating with peers and colleagues, gaining experience abroad and creating a network of intelligent friends.

* The pressure on young scientists today is so great that many do not hesitate to abandon their scientific research and pursue other careers for fear of wasting time in sciences.

But, according to my views, to be a successful researcher or scientist, you have to waste time on scientific work. During the time you are working for a PhD. Do not confuse hard work and work all the time.

If you want to work hard, set a goal and work enthusiastically with a determination in research. Working for a long time without curiosity and determination is not always successful.

* Doing the work with dignity and honesty will help you build a good name in your field.

* Communication is also really important. Write down what you like at seminars and webinars, etc and discuss it with peers and mentors / supervisors.

* You need to develop a habit of writing research papers early in your career. Try to write your own. Read a lot. Although writing may seem slow at first, it can improve through reading over time.

* In the midst of all the pressures of getting a permanent, independent position in your career, never lose sight of the primary purpose that led you to science. Of course…. I know that it is very important to have permanent positions. But, the goal of a scientist is to improve knowledge and bring something new.

* It’s true that luck also plays a role, but you can get it all if you... do an honest and good job and publish. Everything will come to you when the correct time comes.

* Above all, perhaps, in order to be successful in academics, you need to develop your consistency and your creativity. Creativity is about finding solutions to problems without recipes. I meant consistency as passionate about something, to be determined and to stay consistent.
