Aesthetic medical treatment for hair loss | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

Aesthetic medical treatment for hair loss

15 May, 2022

Hair loss is one of the most common effects of body aging where nearly one half of the world population is affected. Excessive loss of hair has become a problem in mid-aged groups. Hair loss affects the mental and physical state of people, especially during the ages of 20s to 40s.

According to the latest statistics, more than 50% of males over 40 years suffer from Androgenic Alopecia where the main cause is male hormones. Other than hormonal issues, nutritional deficiencies, stress, overstyling, certain drugs, childbirth and breastfeeding, are few of the other leading causes for excessive hair fall during the above mentioned ages.

Alopecia Areata, also known as “patchy baldness” is a type of autoimmune disease where your immune system attacks your own hair follicles by mistake. Certain treatment methods used in aesthetic medicine can be really effective to treat excessive hair loss according to the recent published research.

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) treatment

PRP is retrieved from whole blood which is centrifuged to yield a final product of plasma with high concentration of platelets which is injected directly into the scalp using micro injections or micro needles. PRP treatment stimulates hair growth in several ways. Increased blood flow to the hair follicle, known as neovascularisation, is one of the key processes that stimulates the creation of new scalp hair. Stimulating stem cells in follicles enhances cell proliferation as well. Three to four PRP therapy sessions, spaced 4-6 weeks apart, may produce excellent outcomes.


Microneedling is a minimally invasive relatively novel therapeutic modality that was introduced in the 1990s, in which fine needles are used over the skin to puncture the epidermis, the upper most layer of the skin. The boosting effect of microneedling causes new hair follicle stimulation in hair loss patients. Following therapy, many different growth factors and connective tissue activating proteins are released into the immediate region. Microneedling for hair loss is done with a combination of PRP, steroids or hair growing serums.

Scalp Mesotherapy

Hair Mesotherapy is a hair loss treatment method in which vitamins, minerals, and amino acid combinations essential for hair development are injected into the scalp. This method allows the components that nourish the hair follicles to settle in the hair, reducing hair fall and promoting new hair follicles. 4 to 6 sessions, once or twice a week, are required to see good outcomes.


Low-Level Laser (Light) Therapy (LLLT) is used to treat hair loss especially in females. Phototherapy is assumed to stimulate hair follicles, prolong the aging of follicles and reduce premature hair loss. Red Light used in phototherapy is an effective natural treatment method for Hair Loss without any side effects. About 2-3 sessions are carried out weekly as a combination treatment.

The good news is that you can receive all these treatments under one roof in Sri Lanka. We at use the above mentioned latest treatment modalities to treat premature hair loss in both males and females.

An experienced aesthetic doctor will be clever to use the most suitable treatment or combination to give best results within a short period of time.

The writer is a Cosmetic Physician |

MBBS (Sri Lanka) MBA (Malaysia) MSc (Sri Lanka)

Member of the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine (AAAM)
