RDS Surf School wins Red Bull Levels | Page 3 | Sunday Observer

RDS Surf School wins Red Bull Levels

5 March, 2017
RDS Surf School, the winners of the Red Bull Levels at Karma Beach, Mirissa.
RDS Surf School, the winners of the Red Bull Levels at Karma Beach, Mirissa.

The third edition of Red Bull Levels held recently greeted its competitors with an overcast sky, cold rough seas and an excitement that ran through the beach.

Seventy teams were ready to take on the toughest obstacle course that tested teams’ strength, grit, stamina and team work all whilst experiencing two native trades of Sri Lanka — toddy tapping and stilt fishing.RDS Surf School stole the show delivering a deserved podium finish as they claimed the Champions spot of the 2017 edition of Red Bull Levels. Their journey to the finals was challenging as the team faced tough competition and ferocious waves but the final round proved their winning moment with an overall explosive display from the whole team clinching their winning title. RDS Surf School with their stand out performance earned them both Champions title and Rs. 300,000 prize money. Team Lono Sup came in second and took home Rs. 200,000 whilst Team Rivers & Mountains was relegated to 3rd place and claimed Rs. 100,000 in prize money.

“Winning Red Bull Levels means everything to us,” said captain of RDS Surf School.

The team made up of three Sri Lankan surfers from Ahangama and one female surfer from Sweden were ecstatic with their win saying, “This was more than a race. The course was tiring and hardcore and we have never faced anything like this. 
