Puritas launches sustainable initiatives to mark Silver Jubilee | Page 4 | Sunday Observer

Puritas launches sustainable initiatives to mark Silver Jubilee

13 September, 2020
Puritas and Haycarb Managing Director, Rajitha Kariyawasan and Puritas senior management participate in a tree planting campaign.
Puritas and Haycarb Managing Director, Rajitha Kariyawasan and Puritas senior management participate in a tree planting campaign.

Puritas, a wholly owned subsidiary of Haycarb PLC and a member of the Hayleys Group of companies, announced the launch of 25 sustainability-focused initiatives to mark its silver jubilee.

Each of the initiatives will focus on advancing a variety of social and environmental causes including biodiversity protection, animal rights and welfare, water purification, the distribution of face masks to combat Covid-19, and concerted community and employee outreach and awareness building programs focused on the protection and conservation of natural resources.

 Chairman and Chief Executive of Hayleys Group, Mohan Pandithage said, “Puritas was founded on the knowledge that environmental, social and economic prosperity are all interlinked. One cannot be achieved in the absence of the others. For the past 25 years, our business model has been focused on deriving economic value from measures aimed squarely at protecting our environment.”Initiatives on environmental protection and conservation launched by the company for its silver jubilee include, an indigenous tree planting initiative in collaboration with the Colombo Municipality, and a knowledge sharing session by veteran Puritas employees on environmental protection.

Puritas will also launch a packaged domestic wastewater treatment plant initiative. 

Managing Director, Haycarb, Rajitha Kariyawasan said, ”Puritas is no stranger to working with communities and businesses to ensure a sustainable environment for future generations. The 25 new initiatives driven by the Company in celebration of its silver jubilee have been designed to have a lasting positive impact on the environment and communities.”
