Quiz on synonyms and antonyms | Sunday Observer

Quiz on synonyms and antonyms

12 September, 2021

A synonym is a word that means something similar to another word. An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word. Underline the SYNONYMS and check your answers with the key. You may use a standard dictionary.

1. Inefficient (adj.): incompetent / efficient
2. Inelegant (adj.): elegant / crude
3. Ineligible (adj.): unsuitable / eligible
4. Inept (adj.): competent / incompetent
5. Inequality (n.): difference / equality
6. Inert (adj.): alive / dead
7. Inertia (n.): idleness / activity
8. Inescapable (adj.): escapable / fated
9. Inessential (adj.): essential / dispensable
10. Inevitable (adj.): certain / uncertain
11. Inexact (adj.): exact / fuzzy
12. Inexcusable (adj.): blameworthy / excusable
13. Inexhaustible (adj.): limited / boundless
14. Inexorable (adj.): cruel / lenient
15. Inexpensive (adj.): expensive / cheap
16. Inexperience (n.): ignorance / experience
17. Inexperienced (adj.): experienced / callow
18. Inexplicable (adj.): enigmatic / explicable
19. Inexpressive (adj.): expressive / blank
20. Infallible (adj.): accurate / fallible
21. Infamous (adj.): glorious / notorious
22. Infamy (n.): disgrace / glory
23. Infancy (n.): adulthood / childhood
24. Infant (n.): baby / adult
25. Infantile (adj.): mature / babyish
26. Infatuated (adj.): crazy / disenchanted
27. Infatuation (n.): disenchantment / crush
28. Inferior (adj.): humble / superior
29. Inferiority (n.): superiority / humbleness
30. Infernal (adj.): damned / heavenly


1. incompetent
2. crude
3. unsuitable
4. incompetent
5. difference
6. dead
7. idleness
8. fated
9. dispensable
10. certain
11. fuzzy
12. blameworthy
13. boundless
14. cruel
15. cheap
16. ignorance
17. callow
18. enigmatic
19. blank
20. accurate
21. notorious
22. disgrace
23. childhood
24. baby
25. babyish
26. crazy
27. crush
28. humble
29. humbleness
30. damned
10 – 15 Correct: Good
16 – 20 Correct: Excellent
21 – 30 Correct: Exceptional


