Goldilocks and the Three Bears | Sunday Observer

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

3 October, 2021

A bear family lived in a cozy home in a large wood. Papa Bear was very big and gruff. Mama Bear was medium in size and kind. Baby Bear was a tiny, playful little bear cub.

They lived happily in their wooden house and was polite and friendly to all.

At the edge of the wood there was a pretty, little cottage and in it lived a little girl named Goldilocks. She had lovely, long golden curls and therefore, she was called Goldilocks.

One day, Mama Bear decided to make porridge for breakfast. She made some delicious porridge and ladled it to three different bowls. The large bowl was Papa Bear’s. Mama Bear had a medium sized bowl and Baby Bear had a tny bowl just like him.

When it was time for breakfast the porridge was still hot and steaming. The three bears decided to go for a walk in the wood while the porridge cooled.

On that very morning Goldilocks too decided to go for a walk in the wood.

Goldilocks soon came to the Three Bears’ home. Finding it empty she went inside..

Like the Bear Family Goldilocks too had set off on her walk without having breakfast. She was very hungry. Her eyes fell on the nice smelling bowls of porridge and the three spoons which lay by their side. She sat on Papa Bear’s large chair and took his big spoon and tasted the porridge in his large bowl. It was so hot that Goldilocks dropped the spoon and did not eat Papa Bear’s porridge. Then she moved on to the medium sized bowl which was mama Bear’s. Goldilock’s didn’t like mama bear’s bowl of porridge either. She felt it was too lumpy.

Finally, Goldilocks tried the tiny bowl of porridge which Baby Bear’s and it tasted just right.Goldilocks soon emptied the little bowl of porridge.

After eating the porridge Goldilocks looked around the Bears’ home once more. She saw three chairs. One was very big, one was medium sized and the last one was tiny. Goldilocks tried sitting in the large chair but it was too high for her comfort. The medium sized chair was too soft for her.

Next, Goldilocks went and sat on the tiny chair which was Baby Bear’s. This chair felt just right to Goldilocks and she made herself comfortable in it. But for the tiny chair Goldilocks wasn’t just right. She was too heavy. The tiny chiar could not bear the weight of the little girl and with a loud crack the chair broke. Goldilocks was horrified and sorry that she had broken the chair.

Goldilocks then went into the bedroom. There were three beds in it. Papa Bear’s large bed, Mama Bear’s medium bed and Baby Bear’s tiny one. Goldilocks found the large bed too hard. The medium one was too soft but the tiny one was just right. The little girl snuggled into the tiny bed and soon fell asleep as she was tired with all her adventures.

A little after this, the Three Bears returned from their walk and headed straight for the breakfast table as they too were hungry.

“Who has been eating my porridge?” Papa Bear said in his deep, gruff voice. “Who has been eating my porridge”? echoed Mamma Bear in her soft, medium voice. “Who has been eating my porridge and finished it “? Wailed Baby Bear in his tiny voice.

Then, the Bears saw their chairs. “Who has been sitting in my chair” said Papa Bear loudly. “Who has been sitting in my chair” said Mama Bear in her medium,soft voice. “Who has sat on my chair and broken it”? Wailed baby Bear in his tiny voice.

“The Three Bears hastened to the bedroom.” Who has been sleeping on my bed”? said Papa Bear. “Who has been sleeping on my bed” said Mama Bear ‘She is sleeping on my bed” cried Baby Bear as loudly as he could. She is the bad girl who has eaten all my porridge and broken my chair. Their voices woke Goldilocks. On seeing the Bear Family the little girl took fright, jumped out of bed and bolted out of the cottage without even looking back. The Three bears never saw Goldilocks again though they lived fairly near each other.


Source: Internet

