Quiz on synonyms and antonyms | Sunday Observer

Quiz on synonyms and antonyms

5 December, 2021

A synonym is a word that means something similar to another word. An antonym is the opposite of another word. Underline the SYNONYMS and check your answers with the key. You may use a standard dictionary.

1. Lovable (adj.): adorable / hateful
2. Love (v.): hate / adore
3. Lovely (adj.): attractive / ugly
4. Loving (adj.): cruel / ardent
5. Low (adj.): little / high
6. Lower (adj.): higher / inferior
7. Lowly (adj.): humble / lofty
8. Low-spirited (adj.): cheerful / depressed
9. Loyal (adj.): faithful / disloyal
10. Loyalty (n.): disloyalty / devotion
11. Luck (n.): fate / misfortune
12. Luckily (adv.): unfortunately / fortunately
13. Lucky (adj.): auspicious / unlucky
14. Lucrative (adj.): unprofitable / profitable
15. Ludicrous (adj.): absurd / serious
16. Lull (v.): agitate / pacify
17. Lumpy (adj.): bumpy / smooth
18. Lunacy (n.): sanity / craziness
19. Lunatic (adj.): crazy / sane
20. Luxurious (adj.): austere / costly
21. Luxury (n.): poverty / comfort
22. Lying (adj.): deceitful / honest
23. Macabre (adj.): pleasant / dreadful
24. Madden (v.): annoy / pacify
25. Magnetic (adj.): repellent / alluring
26. Magnification (n.): enhancement / reduction
27. Magnificent (adj.): humble / elegant
28. Magnify (v.): amplify / belittle
29. Maim (v.): cripple / heal
30. Main (adj.): minor / central


1. adorable
2. adore
3. attractive
4. ardent
5. little
6. inferior
7. humble
8. depressed
9. faithful
10. devotion
11. fate
12. fortunately
13. auspicious
14. profitable
15. absurd
16. pacify
17. bumpy
18. craziness
19. crazy
20. costly
21. comfort
22. deceitful
23. dreadful
24. annoy
25. alluring
26. enhancement
27. elegant
28. amplify
29. cripple
30. central
10 – 15 Correct: Good
16 – 20 Correct: Excellent
21 – 30 Correct: Exceptional
