Stop child labour | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

Stop child labour

2 January, 2022

Children are the most important part in society.

Those who are below 18 years are considered as children in Sri Lanka. Therefore, adults have to pay attention to children.

The Shop and Office Employees Act, states that children below the age of 16 years cannot be employed.

Children are employed mainly due to economic problems in families, influence of some people and also due to traditional occupations among other factors. There are many bad impacts of employing children as labourers. Some children are subject to abuse, and harasament. They falli ill due to lack of physical and mentalstrength.

There are some people who have social responsibilities child about labour. Some of them treat all children as their own and see that children receive an education.

Adults have to protect the children and their rights because children are the future of the country.


T.A.Amalmi Kithnara Thibbutumunuwa,

Grade 7,

Sirimavo Bandaranaike Vidyalaya,

Colombo 7.

