Quiz on synonyms and antonyms | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

Quiz on synonyms and antonyms

5 June, 2022

A synonym is a word that means something similar to another word. An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word. Underline the SYNONYMS and check your answers with the key. You may use a standard dictionary.

1. Propel (v.): push / slow
2. Proper (adj.): improper / correct
3. Proportion (n.): amount / disproportion
4. Proportional (adj.): disproportionate / equitable
5. Propose (v.): advance / oppose
6. Prosper (v.): fail / boom
7. Prosperity (n.): adversity / affluence
8. Prosperous (adj.): affluent / poor
9. Prostrate (adj.): elated / depressed
10. Protect (v.): cover / attack
11. Protective (adj.): aggressive / defensive
12. Protector (n.): benefactor / attacker
13. Protest (n.): complaint / acceptance
14. Protracted (adj.): brief / extended
15. Proud (adj.): arrogant / modest
16. Prove (v.): disprove / attest
17. Proven (adj.): authentic / unproven
18. Provide (v.): remove / add
19. Providence (n.): foresight / improvidence
20. Providential (adj.): untimely / fortunate
21. Provincial (adj.): insular / urban
22. Provincialism (n.): sophistication / localism
23. Provision (n.): furnishing / removal
24. Provisional (adj.): fixed / conditional
25. Provocative (adj.): aggravating / conciliatory
26. Provoke (v.): pacify / annoy
27. Prowess (n.): aptitude / mediocrity
28. Proximity (n.): remoteness / nearness
29. Prudence (n.): care / carelessness
30. Prudent (adj.): careless / careful

1. push
2. correct
3. amount
4. equitable
5. advance
6. boom
7. affluence
8. affluent
9. depressed
10. cover
11. defensive
12. benefactor
13. complaint
14. extended
15. arrogant
16. attest
17. authentic
18. add
19. foresight
20. fortunate
21. insular
22. localism
23. furnishing
24. conditional
25. aggravating
26. annoy
27. aptitude
28. nearness
29. care
30. careful
10 – 15 Correct:
16 – 20 Correct:
21 – 30 Correct:


