Great Manager Awards introduced in Sri Lanka | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

Great Manager Awards introduced in Sri Lanka

21 May, 2017

The Great Manager Awards program was launched in Sri Lanka recently. It is powered by Colombo Leadership Academy and People Business, a leadership coaching and executive education facility.

The Great Manager Awards aims to identify, assess, recognize and benchmark Great Managers in the corporate sector. By bringing nominees together on a level playing field, the adjudicators will assess their management style, focus on results, execution, people management and leadership integrity to recognize the best, and provide guidance for development. Nominees will be assessed for managerial effectiveness on a global research based model known as R-OPTI. The focus will be on results, execution, people, team, organizations and leadership integrity with the survey and results audited by an advisory panel and faculty.

Organizations and managers can benchmark best practices, receive recommendations for improvement of leadership effectiveness, and identify key competencies of managerial talent. The awards are conferred by The Great Manager Awards, a global human resource management consulting body committed to improving performance capabilities and business acumen of partner organizations. The awards will be in two categories. The main category is for Great Managers, which will recognize leaders across industries and organizations. The second will recognize companies with Great Managers, which will recognize and award companies with great managerial quotient.

“Our focus is on inspiring organizations and more importantly, individuals, to nurture effective leadership skills and to develop a leadership eco system that drives high performance,” Director and CEO of the Colombo Leadership Academy, Riaz Hassen said.

“It is exciting to partner with the Great Manager Awards to recognize high performers. This will set the ideal benchmark for recognizing individuals with great leadership and management skills, and the companies that have nurtured such individuals,” he said.

“We are introducing an awards scheme to recognize the great manager. While there are awards for CEOs there has been no awards for these managers. As they are the people who outnumber the senior management and they are the ones who actually motivate the team and executive your strategy they are the pillars of success,” Hassen said. 
