Good management without good managers | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

Good management without good managers

23 February, 2020
The bad manager plots his or her exit strategy over a period of time and always has a fallback organisation where he could flee.
The bad manager plots his or her exit strategy over a period of time and always has a fallback organisation where he could flee.

As the environment gets tighter and internal challenges multiply, you need the best of decisions for strategic moves to help navigate the turbulence. Success brings growing challenges. You need better management and for better management you need better managers.

If your intention is high performance, you need to recognise the signs of bad management and bad managers and deal with them quickly. If not, an organisation will never become excellent.

You may be in the best industry and best organisation, but bad managers will claim that the other managers have made such a big mess of the department or other departments have messed things up, hence the business cannot perform. They wait until others correct their lapses or do their part without acting on their own issues.

Bad managers also claim the issues relating to external factors; mainly competition are the reasons for lack of performance and ignore the fact that they are paid high salaries to find internal solutions to external issues. These managers seek solutions to issues from the hierarchy.

Bad managers are always busy and have a lot of work; in fact, they’re so busy that there isn’t enough time to work on regular tasks. What’s the real value of those activities? What happens to the business if those activities were not done? They find no time to work on strategic issues to grow the business – overcome the challenges.

They expect departmental goals to be fluid, with lots of slack, which means the targets will be easy to achieve. Bad managers will never get optimal results from their teams; but that doesn’t matter to them, bad managers would rather have low performance than run the risk of punishment for falling short of ambitious targets.

Blame yourself not others

Bad managers love to use excuses and misaligned performance indicators because these make it possible to practise hands-off management. This in turn makes it easy for bad managers to avoid day-to-day functional goals. And of course, if anything goes wrong, they can dodge accountability: they weren’t there, after all.

Bad managers have a host of excuses at their disposal when they don’t achieve departmental targets. Bad managers blame the outside world: the economy is bad and market is going down, it has rained too much and led to flooding, it hasn’t rained enough, whatever - but that is the reason everything was going against the job and therefore it was just impossible to achieve the targets.

They blame weak colleagues; it was his or her fault the department floundered. When writing the latest game plan, bad managers know that expansive, wordy and complex plans always impress top management because it gives the impression that they are on top of their game and have thought of everything.

They also know that you can bury all kinds of assumptions and preconditions in these verbose plans, which function as safeguards when top management starts complaining that goals have not been achieved.

Bad managers are capable of holding an open forum for employees to voice concerns, questions and suggestions. This sounds like the mark of a good manager, right? When the organisation is on the verge of holding a bad manager accountable for his or her actions, the bad manager moves on to another organisation. In fact, the bad manager plots his or her exit strategy over a long period, and always has a fallback organisation where he could flee. Managing in turbulent times can tear managers apart. Hard times can become even lonelier for managers, since they must project a positive but realistic spirit.

On the outside, managers have to be resolute and strong while often their hearts are broken knowing that good people lose their jobs, incomes are reduced, and promises made are put on the back burner. Managers also come under attack as, with negativity all around, everyone wants more time with them. This starts at the top, as boards often become more critical, ask more questions, want more checkpoints, and may not seem to understand why things aren’t turning faster.

Relationships suffer as more demands on direct reports result in a feeling of pulling away. Peers who once were pals seem to compete, with less time for kidding around and getting together.

As intensity builds, managers can feel under siege. Yet managers must avoid bunker mentality and must take care of themselves or they risk giving way to feeling trapped, unable to please, and just plain not being able to win.

Do what it takes to keep the team bonded together for a collective effort in one direction. Blaming one another will take you down the path of disaster.

Create a culture within which managers help each other. You be a part of it and set an example no matter what your level is.

