Symbol of Hope | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

Symbol of Hope

9 June, 2019

Soul of my land
I hear the charming music
Of the cascading falls;
The rippling rivulets; the twittering song birds
But ‘neath it all, the long drawn sigh of melancholy
The heaving of thy bosom
For a cherished dream
Soul of my land
I see thy verdant beauty
The gossamer mists, veiling the rugged mountain tops
The azure sky and sea
The waves that gently lap against the shore
Yes! Eroding the unity
The values so long maintained.
I see thy dewy tear drops.
As streaks of dawn gold-tint the night sky;
As the ruddy hue of the afterglow at dusk
My soul weeps with thee and for thee
Land of my birth!
But the fluttering Banner of Freedom
Proudly struts in the wafting breeze
Installing hope.
The proclamation, of the achievement of a nation
Reiterating that strife should cease.

- Jeannette Cabraal
