Projects to be launched islandwide | Page 3 | Sunday Observer
Rs. 85 b for infrastructure and livelihood

Projects to be launched islandwide

30 January, 2022

State Minister of Samurdhi, Household Economy, Micro Finance, Self-Employment and Business Development, Shehan Semasinghe said that an islandwide program will be launched on February 3 to directly pump Rs. 85 billion for infrastructure and livelihood programs countrywide which will be directly monitored by District Secretariats.

Of this Rs. 85 billion, over 40 percent is mandatorily to be used on livelihood programs. This program will directly pump Rs. 85 billion apart from the projects that other ministries are conducting at present, the State Minister told the Sunday Observer yesterday.

He said this is the first time where mandatory amounts have been set aside for livelihood programs. “A committee will decide whether it is a viable project to increase productivity. For example, if we want to increase dairy production, then it has to be a project to increase dairy production and not merely moving one milch cow from one village to another.”

State Minister Semasinghe said another Rs. 15 billion will be allocated for 15,000 women entrepreneurs in villages including at least one, in every Grama Niladhari division.

This will enable the Government to promote women entrepreneurs in villages who will be a part of the supply chain. “Altogether, Rs.100 billion will be pumped into the economy directly under the supervision of the Finance Ministry.”

He said the biggest issue of the increasing cost of essential items is the barriers to the supply chain from the village due to Covid-19.

When products are purchased within the village and sold at the 15,000 home shops, the pricing will be the same as in Sathosa outlets.

Basically, there will be a system of distribution and we will ensure that there will not be any shortage in supply.

The prime objective of introducing this program is to ensure that the people have access to essential items at their convenience and at the prices determined by the Government, he said.
